The Sleep Trick Everyone Over 40 Should Know

by Apr 7, 2017Sleep Disorders, Sleep Tips, Tech and Sleep, Uncategorized0 comments

Apr 7, 2017

In the past few years, there has been intensified research about sleep. The results of this research has seen several studies published emphasizing on the importance of sleep and how sleep deprivation leads to increased risk of poor memory and other long term brain issues. These discoveries sparked a lot of buzz on why getting enough restful sleep on a regular basis is important for your health. As more research continues, the concept of enough sleep is not going under any time soon.

At one instance, you might have heard a successful person being interviewed. When asked what is the key to their success, they smile and say you have to work or long hours and sleep for like 2-3 hours, this is a BIG lie. It is a cliché that successful people sleep less; this is a ridiculous claim and another public relations stunt to enhance their public image. Several people struggle to get a full night sleep due to the life stresses and long hours of work. It becomes normal for you to sleep for 4-5 hours each night. Though you might think that 4-5 hours is all you need, you are slowly damaging your sleep cycle and inviting the negative effects that come with sleep deprivation.

It is a scientific fact; you need 8-9 hours of sleep if you are aged between 18-64 years, 10-12 hours of sleep for children and teenagers and 7-8 hours for people above the age of 64 years. If you do not get this hours of sleep, your brain and body will not get enough time to rejuvenate and relax. You might seem okay physically, but your body is crying for help. Sleep is a process, and for you to have a good night sleep the process have to be completed. The process of sleep can be categorized into two stages; light sleep and deep sleep. Light sleep, also known as the non-REM (Rapid eye movement) is the first stage during which the body prepares for deep sleep (REM).

According to a study published in JAMA Neurology, people who are sleep deprived have higher toxin levels in their brains than those who do. This is because during sleep, the brain cells shrink which allows entry of fluid into the brain to flush toxins which have accumulated when we were awake. This allows the brain cells to relax and rejuvenate which makes a good night sleep crucial.

In several cases when most of us are faced with sleep problems, we consult a physician who prescribes anti-anxiety medication. In my opinion, these prescriptions are handed out in a routine manner and hence they do not solve any problems, to make matters worse, they have side effects. For instance, after taking the anti-anxiety medication due to sleep problems, most people wake up the next day feeling drowsy. These sleep medications also carry a risk of dependency and addiction. To make the matters even worse, they might inhibit your body’s natural ability to rejuvenate or resume a natural sleep cycle.

How do you feel when you wake up after a good night sleep? Compare that with how you feel after a night of poor sleep. When you have a poor night sleep, you wake up feeling tired and drowsy; your body is generally fatigued.. This is because your body did not have enough time to relax, rejuvenate and repair worn out cells. This will cause your cells to age faster. On the other hand, after a good night sleep, you wake up relaxed, joyful and feeling ready to take on the world. Several studies show that proper and restful sleep has several benefits. Getting enough sleep can;

· Keep your brain at optimal performance as you age

· Boost your physical energy, focus and concentration.

· Keep your blood sugar balanced lowering your risk of developing diabetes

· Increase your stress dealing capacity

· Keep your cardiovascular muscles healthy

· Keep your cells healthy giving you a youthful look

· Enhance memory and brain performance

The above are just some of the few benefits that a good night sleep has to offer. The sleep hormone, popularly known as melatonin, is a powerful antioxidant which helps your body gets rid of free radicals giving your body a chance to rejuvenate while asleep. When we are born, our body produces minimal levels of melatonin and quickly picks to produce high levels in our early childhood. As puberty kicks in, the production of melatonin begins to decline. This process of reduced production of melatonin continues and by age 40, the levels of melatonin can be as half as the ones we produced when we were at our twenties. It follows that in our forties, sleeping is a struggle unlike in our twenties when we seemed to have restful sleep for countless hours.

The big question is how does one deal with low levels of melatonin? One might think that the natural solution is to take a melatonin boost to get enough restful sleep. While this is true, several people have tried it with little or no success at all. This is because, once you take a typical melatonin supplement, it peaks within 3-4 hours in your body after which you find yourself wide awake. The end result is that you wake up in the morning having not rested.

What is the solution to low levels of melatonin? The answer to this question is simple, take a slow release melatonin supplement. A slow-release melatonin slowly releases the supplemental melatonin to your bloodstream instead of releasing it all at once. The slow release action ensures a steady supply of melatonin in your bloodstream to ensure that you get a peaceful night sleep and get to enjoy the benefits that come with it.

If you are having trouble getting a peaceful night sleep, trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep, worry no more. It is time you give the slow-release melatonin a try.  You can test our Relaxium Sleep® by claiming your free bottle. Relaxium Sleep® is a unique blend of safe, clinically- tested ingredients that help you sleep better naturally without the harmful side-effects of prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills!