Is Taking a Nap Good for You?

by Mar 22, 2023Relaxium Sleep, Sleep Tips, Wellness0 comments

Mar 22, 2023

It’s definitely easy in today’s world to fall into the routine of constantly pushing ourselves to be more productive and work longer hours. But did you know that stopping and taking a nap during the day can actually improve your productivity and overall health? Napping has been shown to have a variety of benefits, from increasing productivity and boosting mood to improving memory and overall creativity. While it’s true that some people still view napping as a sign of laziness, the truth is that it can be a very beneficial tool for someone to maximize their productivity and perform at their best. Below we will explore the many benefits of napping and why you may want to consider adding short naps into your daily routine.

How long should we be napping

When we say napping can provide a plethora of benefits, we mean it! But, there is a maximum time limit on the naps we should be taking. Sleeping for four hours in the middle of your day isn’t going to provide you with the same benefits as napping for a short period of time. It’s important to keep in mind that the longer we nap, the deeper the sleep we fall into. According to the CDC, brief naps between 15 to 30 minutes is recommended. They state, “a brief nap can increase alertness for a couple hours after the nap, with less grogginess, and does not disrupt subsequent sleep at night because it does not reduce the homeostatic build up of pressure for sleep.” Napping for longer than the recommended 30 minutes can lead to feeling more tired than before actually taking the nap. It can also interfere with your nighttime sleep schedule, making it more difficult for you to fall asleep at bedtime. It’s best to keep naps short and sweet, to get the benefits without any negative side effects. 

Naps increase alertness.

Benefits of napping for sleep schedule

If you struggle with getting enough sleep at night, napping during the day might actually be beneficial. This is because getting rest during the day can actually help you sleep well at night! Some ways that napping can improve your sleep schedule include:

  • Naps can help you catch up on lost sleep: If you have had a rough sleep for a few nights in a row, napping can help you catch up on missed sleep. This makes it easier to get back to your regular sleep schedule. 
  • Naps can help improve alertness during the day: If you routinely find yourself feeling tired and groggy during the day, a quick power nap can help boost your overall alertness and even increase your productivity levels.

How to fit in napping with work 

You may be wondering how you can fit in short naps if you work a strict schedule during the day. The best advice we can give you is to try and sneak your naps in during your lunch breaks. This might not be ideal, but if you really need it, there are ways to make it happen while at your 9-5. For some, napping during the day is merely impossible. For these people, we suggest optimizing your sleep schedule at night so you feel less inclined to nap during the day. If you struggle with sleeplessness at night, it may be time to consider a sleep supplement such as Relaxium Sleep. With Relaxium Sleep, you can rest assured knowing that it will help you fall asleep quicker, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This sleep aid is safe, effective, and non-habit forming. It’s an all-in-one solution to sleepless nights!

How napping improves concentration and other cognitive functions

Taking short naps during the day can help improve your concentration and other cognitive functions for a number of reasons. Studies have shown that people who took short naps during the day had better word recall – which is often associated with good memory retention. Frequent napping has been shown to help memory and improve overall retention. Naps have also been shown to boost creativity, due to napping being helpful in clearing the mind and reducing mental fatigue. Napping also improves mood. This is because frequent napping can help reduce feelings of irritability and fatigue. People tend to perform better when they are in a positive mindset, and are more likely to be motivated and productive. 

Naps can boost creativity.

Napping for different age ranges

Different age ranges might need different durations of naps. For example, babies and toddlers need anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours of nap time each day. While we know that younger children need their naps, The Sleep Foundation actually reports on a survey that found around 34% of United States adults say they take a nap during a normal day. The time may vary when younger children and babies need to nap. But, for adults the recommended time to nap is different. Charlene Gamaldo, M.D., medical director of Johns Hopkins Sleep Disorders Center, reports that older adults should nap between 1 and 4 p.m. This is because it is better for older adults sleep-wake cycles. 

Napping is an effective way to improve well-being

In conclusion, adding naps to your routine is an effective way to improve overall well-being. Short power naps between 15 to 30 minutes are the most ideal, and offer the most benefits. Research has shown that incorporating naps into our routine can help improve our sleep hygiene, memory retention, cognitive function, and even overall mood. 

Don't Miss Out!

At Relaxium, we have a simple mission in mind – to create affordable, safe, and effective supplements. Through extensive research and clinical studies, we created four life enhancing supplements: Relaxium Sleep, Relaxium Calm, Relaxium Immune Defense, and Relaxium Focus Max. We use a perfect synergistic blend of ingredients in our products to ensure results. If you are interested in trying our Relaxium products, click here for more information!

To restful and healthy days ahead. 

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


[1] Nap Duration (

[2] Can a Nap Boost Brain Health? (

[3] The effects of napping on cognitive functioning (

[4] Napping: Benefits and Tips (