Digital Detox: How to Break Free from Doom Scrolling

by May 6, 2023Calming Tips, Relaxium Calm, Wellness0 comments

May 6, 2023

It seems as more and more time goes on, the more attached we are to our phones and other devices. Social media platforms and other similar digital sources provide us with instant access to all kinds of information and content, but this constant connectivity can often come at a cost. This cost is often associated with the term doom scrolling. In this blog, we will delve into what doom scrolling is, what its negative effects are on our mental health, and tips to maintain a successful digital detox for our own wellbeing. 

What is Doom Scrolling?

Doom scrolling is the act of scrolling through social media, usually including negative or stressful content, for endless amounts of time. It can include reading and consuming news articles or social media content about topics that often have a negative impact on our mental health. Some common examples of these topics are natural disasters happening, climate change, the turmoil of the economy, and the never ending pandemic. Doom scrolling can also include scrolling endlessly through different content and comparing ourselves to others, which usually brings feelings of negativity or overwhelms us. 

WebMD provides us with some statistics about who is most likely to be affected by doom scrolling. They state:

  • Men are more likely than women to doom scroll.
  • Younger adults are more likely to doom scroll at a higher rate than older adults.
  • Those who closely follow or participate in politics are more likely to doom scroll than those who don’t.
doom scrolling may lead to higher levels of psychological disorders

Negative Impact of Doom Scrolling

There are countless negative effects that can come from doom scrolling. Studies have shown that excessive exposure to social media, including doom scrolling, can lead to certain mental health disorders. Specifically, a study reported in the National Library of Medicine, found that doom scrolling may lead to higher levels of psychological disorders. They also found that it may lead to lower levels of mental well-being indicators (such as life satisfaction and harmony in life). Doom scrolling can even start to cause problems with sleep. Using technology too closely to bedtime can interfere greatly with the body’s natural sleep patterns, which can often lead to insomnia or restlessness. Lack of sleep can worsen feelings of worry and stress, which leads to an endless negative cycle caused by doom scrolling. Breaking free from doom scrolling is vital in order to protect our own mental health. 

Strategies for Maintaining a Digital Detox

In order to break free from doom scrolling, a digital detox may need to occur. A digital detox is simply taking a break from any electronic devices for a certain amount of time, to try and limit some of the negative side effects that often occur from social media use. In order to make it easier to start and maintain your digital detox, we’ve listed some of our favorite strategies below.

Create a morning routine: Start your day with something other than your phone. Starting your day with a morning routine that doesn’t immediately involve checking your phone can help set a more positive tone for the day. These morning routines can include activities such as meditation, exercise, or enjoying your favorite breakfast to help improve your mental health.

Regularly engage in offline activities: It’s important to have activities you enjoy outside of the internet in order to be successful with your digital detox. Try to pick up a new hobby, spend more time with your family and friends, or even get out in nature to try and stop engaging so much in social media. 

Build a healthy relationship with social media: Often social media has such a negative impact on our mental health because of the content we are consuming. You can build a healthier relationship with social media if you are more mindful of the content you are consuming, setting certain boundaries with the content you view, and limiting your overall time spent on social media.

start the day with something other than your phone

Encourage others to join the digital detox with you: By encouraging others, you can share your experiences with them and have people who relate to the struggles you may be encountering. Try to urge your friends and family to join you in your digital detox to make it a bit easier for yourself. 

Practicing and incorporating these strategies into your digital detox plan can help you maintain a healthier relationship with social media and also help reduce the negative effects that often come with doom scrolling.

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Relaxium Calm for Stress Relief

We know that regardless if you find yourself doom scrolling or not, social media can still bring upon plenty of stress and anxiety. It’s important to try and combat this stress in any way that we can. Relaxium Calm can be beneficial in promoting relaxation and reducing the everyday stress that might occur from social media scrolling. 

Relaxium Calm is gluten free, 100% vegan, and completely safe. This mood enhancing supplement is designed to promote relaxation, help elevate mood, and supply vital nutrients. 

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To restful and healthy days ahead,

The Relaxium Team 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


[1] What’s Doomscrolling and Can It Harm me? (

[2] Doom Scrolling Scale: its Association with Personality Traits, Psychological Distress, Social Media Use, and Wellbeing (