Decompress from Holiday Stress!

by Dec 18, 2022Uncategorized0 comments

Dec 18, 2022

It’s the holiday season! For most people throughout the country and the world, it’s everyone’s favorite time of the year! Unfortunately, this time also brings a lot of extra stress into our lives. Whether you’re hosting extended family to your home, going to countless dinner parties, or overwhelmed with the expenses of presents…we get it! The holiday season can be an overwhelming and daunting time for many people. In fact, some may say this is the most stressful time of the year!

Why exactly are the holidays such a stressful time?

According to a study done by Harvard, sixty-two percent of respondents described their stress level as “very or somewhat” elevated during the holidays, while only ten percent reported no stress during the season. Some of the most commonly reported negative emotions during the holidays were increased fatigue, stress, irritability, and sadness. There are a multitude of reasons why this time of the year just sometimes seems impossible. Some of them include financial demands, unrealistic expectations, anticipating family dynamics, and the increase in physical and mental fatigue. You may also be cramming in deadlines for work or school. 

Rather than dread this holiday season, we recommend you plan ahead! We’ve compiled a list of ideas below to help you prepare for the upcoming stressful holiday events in your life so that you can truly enjoy the holidays!

Plan ahead of time

Whether you’re stressed about hosting, or stressed about ordering all the gifts you need- a plan will make everything easier. Rather than dread this holiday season, plan for it! Make a plan to act as a roadmap to decrease your stress this year. You can make checklists for things like gifts you need to order, or when you should send out your holiday cards. Coordinating plans early with family can also help you feel a sense of control, hopefully easing your holiday nerves.

Kick unrealistic expectations to the curb this year

The best advice to deal with stress this year is to get rid of any high expectations that may be weighing on your mind. It’s important to try not to create “picture perfect” experiences – as these will be impossible to live up to. Every holiday season is just a little bit different, and accepting that will surely ease some of your pent up stress. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself, and instead enjoy the times with your family and friends. In the end, if you try too hard to make the holiday perfect, your memories may feel as artificial as some of the gifts you’ll receive! Make every moment effortless so your memories last a lifetime. 

Set a budget and stick to it

One of the most daunting aspects of the holiday seasons are the financial concerns. How are you going to show your appreciation to your family and friends if just the thought of buying presents is weighing you down? This year, set a budget and stick to it! Decide ahead of time how much you can comfortably spend. Everyone has a different financial situation, and it’s best to spend within your means rather than go above and beyond trying to impress others. If possible, start to buy presents earlier in the year, instead of having to spend a ton of money all at once. Also, shop around! There are constantly holiday deals going on online and in person. Try to price match your presents and find out where you can get the best bang for your buck. And remember, the holidays are about making memories with your friends and family, not about money!

Make time for yourself

It’s especially important to take care of yourself this time of year. It might sound simple, but making time for yourself is vital to ease stress. Self care can look a little different for everyone, but here are some of our favorite ways to reduce stress:

  • Maintain a healthy work-life balance
  • Make time for exercising
  • Talk to family or friends about concerns you may be having
  • Write down your thoughts 
  • Catch up on some must needed sleep
  • Engage in your favorite self care activities weekly

Implement boundaries around your family

Everyone has different family dynamics, especially when it comes to the holidays. Is the stress of yours getting to you? Try implementing boundaries with your loved ones. If traveling is too much of a financial or stressful burden, maybe skip out on seeing the inlaws for one year. It’s important to put yourself and your immediate family first, however that works best is up to you!

Still can’t relieve yourself of all this extra stress?

That’s where Relaxium can help!

If you just can’t seem to get a handle on your holiday stress, Relaxium Calm is an order away. Relaxium Calm is a neurologist formulated, all-natural supplement designed specifically to help relieve stress and elevate mood. Calm will help you to attain mental clarity, stress relief, relaxation, and will enhance your overall focus. While improving your focus and increasing your daytime energy, Relaxium Calm is also supplying vital nutrients!

Relaxium’s founder, Dr. Eric Ciliberti, MD., recommends taking Relaxium Calm during the day to elevate your mood and prepare your body for rejuvenating sleep later on.

But what happens when your stressless day (thanks to Relaxium Calm) comes to an end, and your mind starts to race before falling asleep? Enter Relaxium Sleep!

Relaxium Sleep + Relaxium Calm = A Stress Free You!

Now that you’ve heard all about Relaxium Calm, we have to tell you about the perfect combination of taking Calm with Relaxium Sleep. Stress and sleep go hand in hand with each other. If you’re sleep deprived, you’re going to be feeling even more stressed than usual. While you’re destressing your body and mind with Relaxium Calm, you can use our other amazing supplement to get a better night’s sleep. 

Relaxium Sleep is a safe and drug-free sleep supplement, clinically studied and designed to aid in sleeplessness. Made with a triple-action formula, it will regulate your natural sleep cycle, helping you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. With Relaxium Sleep, you will wake up feeling refreshed and alert, unlike most sleep aids. 

Relaxium Calm and Relaxium Sleep are both made in the USA with only the highest of quality ingredients, always ensuring purity and potency. It is made by one of the most pristine and experienced manufacturers of dietary supplements. 

You deserve a chance to decompress from all of your holiday stress. Why not try Relaxium Calm and Sleep to make it easier for yourself?

To restful and healthy days ahead,

The Relaxium Team

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease


[1] Holiday Stress and the Brain (

[2] 27 Holiday Stress Statistics (

[3] 9 Self Care Strategies to Reduce Stress (